로그인 회원가입

꼬여 있는 것을 풀다 영어로


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  • ravel
  • 있는    interred; present; being
  • 풀다    풀다1 [묶은 것 등을 끄르다] untie ;
  • 엉킨것을 풀다    disengage; disentangle
  • 의 꼬인 것을 풀다    untwine; untwist
  • 의 엉킨 것을 풀다    disembroil
  • 맛있는 것을 먹이다    feed up
  • 풀다    풀다1 [묶은 것 등을 끄르다] untie ; undo ; unbind ; loosen ; unloose; unpack ; unfasten ; unravel ; disentangle ; fray(천 등을); unknit(편물을); untwist; untwine(꼰 것을). 밧줄을 ~ untie a rope. 꾸러미를 ~ undo a package. 구두
  • 논점이 되어 있는 것을 사실로 가정하고 논의를 계속하다    beg the question
  • 개를 풀다    uncouple
  • 끈을 풀다    unbind; slacken; untie; unfasten; loose; unlace; loosen
  • 되풀다    reiterate; repeat
  • 몸풀다    몸풀다1 [해산하다] give birth to ; be delivered of .2 [피로를 덜다] relieve[banish] one's fatigue; take a rest.
  • 베풀다    베풀다1 (잔치 등을) give[have] ; hold ; throw . 김씨의 귀국 축하연이 베풀어졌다 A dinner was given in honor of Mr. Kim who had recently returned from his journey abroad. 당신을 위하여 연회를 베풀고자 합니다 I'd like to give a party in
  • 보풀다    보풀다 become fluffy[nappy]; have a slight nap (on a fabric); have fuzz (on the surface of paper).
  • 부풀다    부풀다1 ☞ 보풀다2 (살가죽 등이) swell; become swollen. 살가죽이 부푼다 The skin swells (up).3 (물건이) swell out; get big; [팽창하다] expand; be inflated; rise(만두 등이). 빵이 잘 부풀었다 The bread rose well. 풍선이 부풀었다 The balloon was
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